
Fuzhou Allegro 58’Europa - She was the nominee of “The European Powerboat of the Year award 2012.”

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  • 发布时间:2012-04-18 18:01
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Fuzhou Allegro 58’Europa - She was the nominee of “The European Powerboat of the Year award 2012.”

【概要描述】2011年5月在海峡西岸的福州爱莱格游艇出口到意大利一条58尺超豪华游艇市场价€1,040,000.00Allegro58”(#58165)wasnominatedinthe“Displacement”categoryduringtheEuropeanPowerboatoftheYearAward2012. AllegroisproudtobethefirstChinese-manufacturedyachtmakertoreceivesuchhonorinEurope.TheWHYofmadeinChinaDuring1992,alotofyachtmanufacturersfromTaiwanandUnitedstatesweretransferringtomainlandChinaduetoUSdollardeflation,laborcost,andChinesereformingeconomically. FujianDafengYachts,XiamenTianguoYachts,ShenzhengDaqingYachts,NingboFuhaishipyardsweretheonlymanufactoriesdevelopedinSouthEastcoastofChina.Theyhavesmall-sizeyachtsbetween30to40feet. Twentyyearslater,hundredsofyachtfactoriesfromChinacanexporttheirhighqualityyachtstoEuropeancountrysuchasItalyandFrancetocompetewiththedesignerbrand.Nowadays,mostoftheyachtsizemadeinChinaisover60feet,andpricerangedaroundmilliondollars.TransitionofYachtManufacturingThefirsttransformationinChinaisin1998to2000.Tremendousforeignandlocalyachtmakersemergedtothemarket,200to300yachtswereproducedyearlyforexport. However,thematerialsandequipmentsareimportedandtheproductionprocedureswerebeinginstructedbyexpertsoverseainordertomeetthecustomers’criteria.Therefore,mostboatsaremadestandardized,andassembledwiththeoptionsfromforeignlocaldealer.After2005,theboatindustrygoesintoanotherstage.Thesizeandthetypeoftheyachtwerechangingovertime.With10yearsexperienceofproducingandselling,ChineseyachtmarkersconvincedtheirbuyersandenhancedthemarketinEuropeandUnitedStates.Forexample,OceanAlexanderinPinghuDongchangYacht,SeleneinDongguang,Jet-TernYacht bothhavegoodreputationintheU.S.market,andtheAdagiofromFuzhouAllegroyachtisfamousinItalyandFrance. Theprogresscouldbegreatlyfoundinternsofyachttype,size,equipment,techniqueanddesign.WithfullysupportfromcentralandlocalgovernmentinChinain2010to2011,alotoftourismandyachtclubsweredevelopedinHainanandXiamenandithelpedtheyachtindustrytoanotherlevel.Meanwhile,manyfactoriestookdomesticsalesseriouslyandmakeitstheirtargetmarket.TransitioninCrafts,Technique,andDesignInearly1990s,foreignyachtmanufactoriesbroughtordersandtechniquestotheChineseyachtindustry,andtookadvantageofcheaplandandlabortobuildboatswithsimpledesign. TheyusedlocalworkersbutprofessionalfromothercountriestobuildboatswhichincludesFRPmolding,deckcombining,longitudinalbulkhead,furnishingdecorating,prewiring,facilitiesinstallingandtesting.However,withoutsignificantmanagement,onlymoderatepricepointyachtcouldbebuiltatthattime.After2005,localworkersweremoreexperiencedandalotofexcellentcadresweretrainedwell.Withforeigntrainer’shelp,thecraftsmanshipinChinaimprovedalotandbroughtmoreordersfromoversea. Duringthisstage,mostChineseboatfactorieswereOEMforbrandnamesinternationallyalongwiththeproductionimprovement.SomefactoriesstarttousefineFRPtechniqueandnewcompositematerial,tomaketheboatbodybiggerandthinner.Thestylebegantobemorediversifiedsuchasstream-lineboat.Evensomefactorieswerecapableofdeveloping,designingandproducingyachtsfromallrangesliketheTrawlerstylefrom35”to60”.TheyalsohiredsomeItaliantodesignstream-lineboat.Asweknow,thebiggertheboat,themoregearstheyrequire.Thus,alotofhighendequipmentsandmaterialswereintroducedsuchasbigengines,stabilizers,water-makers,PUPainting,electronics,FRPtechniqueandothers.SupplyofEquipments/MaterialsAlongwiththeproductionincrease,theChineseboatmakerscannotfullyrelyontheimportedmaterialsandequipments.Somelocalsuppliershavealreadymadegreatprogressinqualityintherecentyear. Now,thebiggestsuppliersinmakingandexportinghighqualifyFRParefromChina. ManyimportedgoodswerealreadyreplacedbyChinesemadesuchasplywood,teakplywood,hardware,andplastics.AsChinesemarketissteppingintotheexplosivegrowth;manyforeignsuppliersareeagertograbtheshare.10,000boatssoldinayearamong1.4billionChinesepopulationisjustaveryconservativeabnormaldemand. However,itwillstilltakeafewyearstoreachtheproductiongoalbasedonthecurrentproductioncapacity.PotentialcrisisofLaborsupplyYacht,notjustamerchandize,itisapieceofart.AsyachtindustryboomingtheseyearsinChina,thereisalargegapbetweenprofessionalskillandlaborquality.ItisprettycommontoseelaborhuntingbetweenfactoriesforskilledworkerssuchasFRPHandLay-upandRabbetsmakers.Theexperiencedboatworkerscannotbefoundfromlocalvocationalschools.ItisquiteimportanttotrainmoreoftheboatcarpentryandFRPinvocationalschool,inordertocatchthespeedofboatindustry.Tomakehigh-performanceandhighvalue-addedLuxuryYachtFrom20yearsyachtmanufacturingexperience,Chineseboatmakersknowthathighendmerchandiseandcustomerservicearethemaingoal. CoupleoftheChineseboatmakerscancompetewithsomenamebrandoverseacompaniesandhavetremendousmarketshareespeciallyinEuropeandtheUnitedState.ThepriceisasgoodasotherbrandnameyachtsbuiltinEurope.TakeFuzhouAllegroyachtforexample,oneofits58feetboatwasexportedtoItalywithsellingpriceover1.04millionEuros.ThequalityoftheboatitselfincludingFRP,furniture,paintingaresurpassanyotheryachtbuiltinEurope,aswellasthewiringandinstallation.Ofcoursetheneatdesignandcomforthandlingwillbethemainreasonthatitcanbesoldatitsprice.EnjoythefunofhandlingonthebrightFRPhelms

  • 分类:资质荣誉
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  • 发布时间:2012-04-18 18:01
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2011年5月在海峡西岸的福州爱莱格游艇出口到意大利一条58尺超豪华游艇 市场价€1,040,000.00

Allegro58” (#58165) was nominated in the “Displacement” category during the European Powerboat of the Year Award 2012.  Allegro is proud to be the first Chinese-manufactured yacht maker to receive such honor in Europe.

The WHY of made in China

During 1992, a lot of yacht manufacturers from Taiwan and United states were transferring to mainland China due to US dollar deflation, labor cost, and Chinese reforming economically.  Fujian Dafeng Yachts, Xiamen Tianguo Yachts, Shenzheng Daqing Yachts, Ningbo Fuhai shipyards were the only manufactories developed in South East coast of China.
They have small-size yachts between 30 to 40 feet.
Twenty years later, hundreds of yacht factories from China can export their high quality yachts to European country such as Italy and France to compete with the designer brand.
Nowadays, most of the yacht size made in China is over 60 feet, and price ranged around million dollars.

Transition of Yacht Manufacturing

The first transformation in China is in 1998 to 2000. Tremendous foreign and local yacht makers emerged to the market, 200 to 300 yachts were produced yearly for export.  However, the materials and equipments are imported and the production procedures were being instructed by experts oversea in order to meet the customers’ criteria. Therefore, most boats are made standardized, and assembled with the options from foreign local dealer.

After 2005, the boat industry goes into another stage. The size and the type of the yacht were changing over time. With 10 years experience of producing and selling, Chinese yacht markers convinced their buyers and enhanced the market in Europe and United States. For example, Ocean Alexander in Pinghu Dongchang Yacht, Selene in Dongguang, Jet-Tern Yacht  both have good reputation in the U.S. market, and the Adagio from Fuzhou Allegro yacht is famous in Italy and France.  The progress could be greatly found in terns of yacht type, size, equipment, technique and design.

With fully support from central and local government in China in 2010 to 2011, a lot of tourism and yacht clubs were developed in Hainan and Xiamen and it helped the yacht industry to another level. Meanwhile, many factories took domestic sales seriously and make its their target market.

Transition in Crafts, Technique, and Design

In early 1990s, foreign yacht manufactories brought orders and techniques to the Chinese yacht industry, and took advantage of cheap land and labor to build boats with simple design.  They used local workers but professional from other countries to build boats which includes FRP molding, deck combining, longitudinal bulkhead, furnishing decorating, prewiring, facilities installing and testing. However, without significant management, only moderate price point yacht could be built at that time.

After 2005, local workers were more experienced and a lot of excellent cadres were trained well. With foreign trainer’s help, the craftsmanship in China improved a lot and brought more orders from oversea.  During this stage, most Chinese boat factories were OEM for brand names internationally along with the production improvement. Some factories start to use fine FRP technique and new composite material, to make the boat body bigger and thinner. The style began to be more diversified such as stream-line boat. Even some factories were capable of developing, designing and producing yachts from all ranges like the Trawler style from 35” to 60”. They also hired some Italian to design stream-line boat. As we know, the bigger the boat, the more gears they require. Thus, a lot of high end equipments and materials were introduced such as big engines, stabilizers, water-makers, PU Painting, electronics, FRP technique and others.

Supply of Equipments/Materials

Along with the production increase, the Chinese boat makers can not fully rely on the imported materials and equipments. Some local suppliers have already made great progress in quality in the recent year.  Now, the biggest suppliers in making and exporting high qualify FRP are from China.  Many imported goods were already replaced by Chinese made such as plywood, teak plywood, hardware, and plastics.

As Chinese market is stepping into the explosive growth; many foreign suppliers are eager to grab the share. 10,000 boats sold in a year among 1.4 billion Chinese population is just a very conservative abnormal demand.  However, it will still take a few years to reach the production goal based on the current production capacity.

Potential crisis of Labor supply

Yacht, not just a merchandize, it is a piece of art. As yacht industry booming these years in China, there is a large gap between professional skill and labor quality. It is pretty common to see labor hunting between factories for skilled workers such as FRP Hand Lay-up and Rabbets makers. The experienced boat workers can not be found from local vocational schools. It is quite important to train more of the boat carpentry and FRP in vocational school, in order to catch the speed of boat industry.

To make high-performance and high value-added Luxury Yacht

From 20 years yacht manufacturing experience, Chinese boat makers know that high end merchandise and customer service are the main goal.  Couple of the Chinese boat makers can compete with some name brand oversea companies and have tremendous market share especially in Europe and the United State. The price is as good as other brand name yachts built in Europe. Take Fuzhou Allegro yacht for example, one of its 58 feet boat was exported to Italy with selling price over 1.04 million Euros. The quality of the boat itself including FRP, furniture, painting are surpass any other yacht built in Europe, as well as the wiring and installation. Of course the neat design and comfort handling will be the main reason that it can be sold at its price.

Enjoy the fun of handling on the bright FRP helm station, with advanced electronic panels and comfortable leather chair

58’飞桥上驾驶台 (58 Flybrige)

BBQ, Leather Chair and FRP Table, Fridge, Thermo Faucet

58’飞桥上的BBQ设备 (58Ft BBQ) 

58’飞桥上的真皮座椅 (58Ft Leather Chair)

Excellent spacious arrangement on flybridge with teak folding chair, big helm chair, leather chair and BBQ entertainment area.

58’上驾驶台后面的柚木折叠轻便桌椅 (58FtTeak folding Chairs)

Independent pilot house, with leather helm chair and sofa, complete navigation and autopilot equipment, advanced engine steering system, hydraulic stabilizer, all these bring you the best fun and enjoyment.
Imported double glasses
Imported luxury electrical valance and curtains
Double-door fridge, disher, and electric stove, exhaust vent, double sink, and coffee machine.

58’驾驶舱及厨房吧台一角 (Gallery in pilot house)

58’驾驶舱及厨房吧台一角 (bar in pilot house)

Perfect arrangement in salon cabin, with big leather sofa, teak coffee table, round dining table, digital piano and air conditioning.
Imported double glasses.Imported luxury electrical valance and curtains.

58’沙龙仓一角 (Salon room)

Two bedrooms underneath the lower cabin, with queen size bed and separated bathroom, thermo shower, vacuum toilet, Kohler fittings. 

58’主卧室一角 (58” Master Room)

58’干湿分离的浴室一角 (Dry separation in Master Head)

Covered by teakwood (18mm) throughout the deck, with windlass (3500 lbs) and anchor chain (100M) in bow section, all equipments include Raymarine navigation system, auto pilot, VHF antenna, Opacmare gangway, hydraulic system with 4 capstan, bow and stern thruster, stabilizer and so on.
International Awlgrip metal paint and finest technique throughout the hull, it is the first time use in China and instructed by foreign experts. 

58’外观喷涂金属PU漆 (Hull metal PU paints)

Fittings in Engine cabin
Ceiling with insulation material to reduce noise
Volvo D9 Dual engines, ElicheRadices propellers, Wesmar hydraulic system with 4 capstans, bow and stern thrusters, Onan 22.5kw generators, 2 fuel tanks, 2 water tanks, black water tank, water heater…
All materials and equipments are according with CE standards

机舱一角(Engine Room)

机舱一角(Engine Room)

机舱一角(Engine Room) 

机舱一角(Engine Room)
It needs a lot of teamwork to make a perfect yacht.
Today, Chinese boat makers earn the market share internationally from a long-time experience, neat design, precise production, systematical team work, strict quality control and complete customer service.

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